So, it has been a very long time since I have posted. That is for a variety of reasons (we don't have internet, we have a baby, I cook three meals a day and wash the dishes almost that many times, and many more reasons).
But, we have great news. In September, we were in Lima for a week. That was to file for Ady's Social Security number, and also to apply, yet again, for Sixto's visa. Well, if you didn't already know, Sixto received his visa (10 year, multiple entry), so we will be coming to the United States for a 10 week visit! (That is almost 20% of a year!) We are sooooooooooooooooo excited about that! (Laundry Story, part 1) The only minus is it will be cold, and Sixto has very little cold weather clothes, and most of mine are too big (but I can make do!). So we hope to enjoy a lot of indoor warmth!
Now, I have tons to do in the next few weeks to get ready, so you will not be seeing another blog, for sure!!! In those tasks that need to be done, (Laundry Story, part 2) lots of washing. I have a suitcase of "cold" weather clothes here that need to be washed so we can take them with us to the USA. When I say cold, I mean mostly long sleeve t-shirts, and a couple of sweaters for me. We do use jeans here and Sixto usually wears long pants, so that helps on the bottom end.
(Laundry Story, part 3) Not only do we have that additional laundry, but I have to keep up on the normal laundry, which at this time of the year, can be a challenge. We are in the rainy season, and we rely on the sun to dry our clothes. I had lines inside the house, for such occasions, but we started selling concrete, and it has to be dry. So the only lines inside now are in the baby's room. Today, I was able to wash clothes for the first time in about a week and a half. I washed two loads! One in the morning, that got completely dry, and one in the late morning that didn't get on the line until after lunch. It got dry except for the area where the clothespins were, but the rain was coming, so I had to take it down. Now fear, the lines in the baby's room had towels, but they were dry too, so the slightly damp at the clothespins t-shirts got to go on the lines in the baby's room on top of each other until they get dry. Now I have tons to fold, but thank the Lord, I love to do laundry! Dishes on the other hand...(Who would like to come and visit and wash dishes? Pay no room and board, don't cook, don't clean the house, just wash dishes and enjoy life!!!)
Who said laundry isn't fun! We have a rainbow of colored polos! |
The dry towels in the baby's room. |
Almost laundry free. Only a load of towels needs to be washed, but we have lots of towels! |
The dry clothes piled on my bed for folding. |
The damp at the clothespin shirts and pants in the baby's room. |
This has been another laundry story, brought to you by the Gaona's. We want to say a huge thank-you to all who prayed with us for Sixto's visa, and we want to ask for continued prayers for our upcoming visit to the USA! God has been so good to us, and what's a little extra laundry!
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