Well, big changes are coming for me in the next week or so. On February 25th, I will be leaving Arequipa to head to Campanilla, San Martin. The last year, I have been working with many short term teams here in Peru, which I have enjoyed immensely. I have been able to see more of Peru than ever before (you can see details of that life on my old blog, katieandersonperu.blogspot.com, which I can't continue because I forgot the password and I can't get it recovered by any of the options offered by blogger). Anyway, now I am going to be heading into a different position, one I have been looking forward to for a long time: that of "pastor's wife". Like I said, on February 25th, I will be heading to Campanilla in San Martin. This is a very small town in the jungle of San Martin, not too far from Tarapoto (about 2 1/2 hours). On April 20th, I will be marrying Sixto Gaona Becerra, who happens to be the pastor there in Campanilla. So, I guess the blog changing is really just a precursor to the changes that are going to come in our lives very soon. There will be monthly trips to Pucallpa to help with some of the church plants there, but overall, I will be serving as pastora, simply by marriage, not by skill. I have also heard that I will be the president of Women's ministry, so I am looking forward to that too. Thank you for your prayers for us as we start this new chapter together in our lives. I will try to keep this updated, but internet is an issue in Campanilla. We are working on that. :-) Below are several pictures of us and Sixto's family. Enjoy!
Sixto and I enjoying a pop after a long walk. |
Sixto and I at a natural park close to Moyabamba |
Sixto and I at the castle in Lamas |
Noé and Dalila, Sixto's two youngest siblings
Anibal and Liliana, Sixto's brother and sister-in-law

Orlando and Yobani, Sixto's brother and sister-in-law

Edwin, Nancy, and Danilo, Orlando's three oldest

Sixto's dad and his wife
The men of the family with me, Noé, Orlando, Sixto, Anibal, Hermano Emiliano